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The Tale of the Raccoon Bard Made by Suno AI

Pop song
old tale; guitar and relaxing

The Tale of the Raccoon Bard

The Tale of the Raccoon Bard

In yonder woods, where shadows dance,

Lives a bard of raccoon glance.

With coat of grey and eyes aglow,

He strums his lute, soft and low.

Through moonlit nights and dappled glades,

His melodies, like secret trades.

Whispers of tales from dusk till dawn,

In the land where dreams are drawn.

Oh, the raccoon bard, a charming sprite,

Sings of stars and moon's delight.

In ancient groves, where legends roam,

He finds his muse, his sacred home.

So listen close, ye weary souls,

To the ballads the bard unrolls.

For in his songs, you'll find the key,

To unlock the magic that sets you free.


Oh, the raccoon bard, a charming sprite,

Sings of stars and moon's delight.

In ancient groves, where legends roam,

He finds his muse, his sacred home.